1. Vienna School of International Studies


The Vienna School of International Studies has numerous post graduate programmes for the 2019/2020 academic year. The institution is offering studies in the following fields:


  • Diploma Programme

One year full time interdisciplinary          program in international and European studies in English, French and, with a special emphasis on soft skills and language training


  1. Master of Advanced International Studies(MAIS)


  • Two -year full-time interdisciplinary programme in English on Global and European Affairs: joint programme with the University of Vienna.


  1. PhD Programme Interdisciplinary International Studies


  • Four -year programme in English including one prep year: joint programme with the University of Vienna.


  1. Cooperation Programme with the TU WIEN (CEC): Master of Science in Environmental Technology and International Affairs(ETIA)


  • First year of a two full time interdisciplinary programme in English combining international studies and environmental technology.


  1. Summer School for German Language and Austrian Studies


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