Procedures for Authority to Transport Human Remains to Zambia
Authority to transport Human Remains to Zambia requires prior written consent for such shipment from the following:
A) Office of the Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
P.O. Box 50069 Lusaka
Or contact
B) Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
Axel Springer Str. 54a
10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 (030)2062940 Fax: +49 (030)20629419
The application should list the following details:
• Name and vital statistics of the deceased;
• The reason for such a request;
• Tentative transportation schedule; and
• Names and addresses of residents (consignee) of the Republic of Zambia who will be responsible for recieving and proper disposal of the human remains in Zambia.
The human remains must be accompanied by the following documents:
i) A notarized statement by the local health authorities that no danger of infection of spread of disease exists.
ii) The body shall be placed within a hermetically-sealed casket and wooden outer box, to be attested to by a notarized statement from the local health authority.
iii) A locally-issued state burial and/or transit permit
iv) Certified copy of the Death Certificate
v) Prior to actual shipment of the human remains, advance notification of the Health Ministry in Lusaka, Zambia, shall be given specifying the airline, flight number, date and time of arrival in Lusaka.
Procedures for Importation of Livestock and Pets into Zambia
For the importation of any livestock or livestock product and pets into Zambia from another country, it is always obligatory to obtain a Veterinary Permit from the Department of Research & Specialist Services (formally the Department of Veterinary & Tsetse Control Services).
The Permit so obtained stipulates the conditions under which the importation will be carried out and which conditions the veterinary authorities of the exporting country must follow in preparing a Health Certificate.
The importer must first obtain an Import Permit from the headquarters of the department in Mulungushi House, Lusaka. This could be done through a contact person in Lusaka.
The conditions contained on the permit are dependent on the type of livestock, pet or product, the country of origin and its disease status and the purpose for importing them.
The Import Permit so obtained must then be sent to the Veterinary authorities of the exporting country, who will use it as a guide to prepare a Health Certificate which must accompany the animals or products on entry into Zambia.
The Permit issued in Zambia must also accompany the animals or products.
On arrival at destination, the importer MUST inform the nearest Veterinary Officer of the arrival of the products or animals, for the purpose of inspecting them.
Department of Research & Specialist Services
Mulungushi House
P.O. Box 50060
Tel: +260 211 253933/45
Fax: +260 211 260505 or +260 211 253520
ATTN: Senior Veterinary Officer
i) You must obtain a set of fingerprints taken on a standard finger print form at a Police Authority in Germany or in the country of residence at the time of application.
ii) Fees for a Police Clearance Certificate – US$ 100.00 (International Money Order)
iii) Make the Money Order payable to Inspector General of Police
iv) Send documentation by a recognised courier company to one of the addresses indicated below:
Officer In –Charge Finger Prints
Zambia Police Service HQs
P.O.Box 50104
Mobile : +260 977 587723
The Deputy Commissioner of Police (C.I.D.)
Office of the Inspector – General
Independence Avenue
P.O.Box 50103
Tel: +260 211 251827 / 253764
Fax: +260 211 253543 / 253537
N.B. Before sending any documents to the provided address, seek advice on procedure updates.
Renunciation of Zambian Citizenship
Formalise your renunciation of Zambian citizenship by doing the following:
A) Surrender the following documents to Citizenship Office through the nearest Zambian Embassy:
- Zambian Passport
- Pay Renunciation Fee of € 80.00 (nearest Zambian Embassy)
Cash or Cheque only when applying in person at the Embassy’s reception. Payment can also be made by registered mail or bank transfer to the following account:
Bank: Commerzbank Berlin Bank Code: 100 400 00 Account No.: 266015701 Purpose: Visa- and or Consular Fees IBAN: DE 28 1004 0000 0266015701 BIC : COBADEFFXXX |
If the application fee is paid through the bank, please attach the receipt from the bank to the application.
B) Request from the nearest Zambian Embassy and complete a Declaration of Renunciation of Zambian Citizenship Form 13 and return it to the Embassy for onward transmission to the Citizenship Office in Zambia.
All of the above to be done after necessary documentation with local authority ( e.g. German ) has been processed.